Trip line
A strong reel of cold steel. Can stretchfor 30 feet and can trip and cut anyonepassing by who is too pre-occupied tonotice it.
A heavy cross bow fitted with bolts thattrail a thick rope. Malus to hit and onlyusable out to medium range. Rope can runout to 50' and is difficult to tear exceptwith extreme strength.
Dire Crossbow
A very heavy crossbow that has beenreinforced with iron plates. Using aspecial crank, it can be wound to a muchhigher tension than a normal crossbow andso will deliver a heavier bolt at muchhigher speeds. The downside is that theweapon and its ammo are extremely heavy(two slots), and reloading it takes thebetter part of a minute.
A man portable ballista. This weapon isextremely heavy, and is just barelycarry-able by a strong man. Emplacing andloading the ballista takes approximately 5minutes, though if they do not care muchfor safety an expert could do it in 3.Reloading the weapon takes 2 minutes. Onthe upside, the bolt the weapon fires willkill most things smaller than a polar bear,and even an polar bear would want to forgetthe experience. When emplaced the weaponhas a 45 degree field of fire.
Glass Sword
A sword made out glass. Shatters easilywhen it hits a hard object.
Gold Sword
An iron sword where the cutting edges aremade of gold. Very expensive and loses itsedge easily.
Silver Sword
An iron sword where the cutting edges aremade of gold. Very expensive and loses itsedge easily.
Coral Sword
An sword made out of sharpened coral. Quitebrittle.
Wooden Sword
An sword made out of sharpened wood. Notthat sharp though.
Bone Sword
An sword made out of sharpened bone. Quitebreakable for a sword.
Lead Sword
An sword made out of lead. Very soft edgeand very heavy.
Obsidian Sword
An iron sword with bits of sharpenedobsidian embedded in it.
Gold Sword
Ghost Broom
A specially blessed broom. When burned, canhit and terribly damage ghosts.
Ghost Incense
Incense the slows ghosts/shadows and makesit hard for them to use their abilities.
Ghost Trap
A small, fragile construction of sticks,bone, and silver. Ghosts crossing over thetrap become immobilized for 1-20 rounds,depending on their strength. They can stillact, but they can't leave the trap.
Spirit Drum
Hand sized drum that is a gate to the otherside. It sends ripples through the spiritworld; can attract ghosts and other spiritsof the dead. The equivalent of shoutinginto the other side, and seeing what mightcome by.
Holy Fire
A fire that gives off light but very littleheat. It spreads slowly on normal fuel.However, when it touches the dead or undeadthe fire burns fiercely and spreads quickly.
Circlet of Viroconium
Adherents claim that it grants protectionagainst mental attacks and dream attacks.
Napha Jar
A sticky and flammable jelly-oil. Typicallycomes in fist sized jars. When set alight,will give off a fierce heat for severalminutes and is nearly impossible to douse.
False Dawn
Gray powder in an air tight glass container.When exposed to air, it will rapidly reactand give off an intense, harsh light. Thelight lasts for ~30 seconds, before fadingto a glow and then going out entirely.
Bland Toad
A large, blubbery, and whitish toad.Rubbing the toad over your flesh will drawtoxins and poisons out and into the toad.
Alarm Bird
A small, loyal, and brightly colored birdthat rides on your shoulder or head. Canoften notices threats before a human being.Very delicate; tends to die around anypoisons or harmful gasses.
Dowsing Pendant
A pendant will lean and strain towards anynearby bodies.
Grounding Rod
A thick, heavy iron bar with one sharpenedend to make it easier to drive into theground. Attracts lightning and more-or-lesssafely discharges it into the earth.
Bloodless Potion
Decreases blood flow and temperature to theskin and extremities. Reduces bleed damageby 2. Does cause a -2 penalty toinitiative, and a bad case of the shakeswhen it wears off after 4 hours.
Smocoa Leaves
A bundle of dried leaves. When chewed, theyprovide energy and protection against sleepor exhaustion based attacks.
Blood of the BlackGod
A small, sealed, shot-glass sized containercontaining a brownish-black and thin liquid.Provides a feeling of energy andeuphoria, for 4 hours. +will saves
Sacrificial Goat +blood tube
Lead Dust
A small satchel of lead dust. Can rub itinto the skin to foil life-sensingabilities. Lasts 24 hours, or untilthoroughly washed off.
Sacrificial Goat +blood tube
Transfuse 1 HP of blood to goat. For next24 hours, the goat will carry the psychicresidue of the person who gave it blood.Creatures that rely on psionics and mindpowers might mistake the goat for a PC anddirect attacks against it. The Goat has 5health and very poor mental defenses.
Unicorn Jerky
Tough jerky that has a soporific effect.Gives troubled sleep and troubled dreams.Often the dreams will be prophetic, andcontain hints to future dangers or dilemmasthe PC will face.
Wisp Spirits
Pebble sized husks of vegetable matter thatare home to minor, minor spirits. Whenwatered, the tiny spirit of a gentlyglowing wisp rises up out of each pebble.The wisps float around the location forhalf an hour before wandering off andfading out of sight.
Wolf's Bane
A light greenish liquid poison. Isparticularly harmful to wolves and othercanines.
Rot Scent
A pinkish, viscous, and concentrated slimethat reeks of death and decay. Can lurecreatures that need carrion, or utterlydisgust and shock creatures with a keensense of smell.
A tar like sludge stored in small, tightlysealed bottles. Has an amazingly powerfulodor that mixes the smells of dung andmotor oil. Overrides nearly all othersmells in the area.
A clear, gummy substance that can be rolledacross the body or other objects to helpremove scent. Does not absolutely removeall scents, but it does greatly reduce them.
Mushroom of Despair
A bluish capped mushroom that can be brewedto make poison. The poison smells likegreen apples. The poison takes effect after1-2 hours, expanding the insides of thevictim and often causing them to burst fromwithin. Failing that, it causes severediscomfort and disability for 1-2 days.
The Emperor's Claw
One of the official poisons of the Empire'sinvestigators. Used as a punishment insevere or particularly offensive cases. Itcauses paralyzing pain within minutes,leading to death from heart failure in 1-3days. The clear poison is contained in asmall, sharp, shard of glass, which servesas its container and delivery mechanism.
A poison that places a person into a stateof suspended animation for several hours.Such a person is nearly indistinguishablefrom dead. Causes a terrible hangover.
Jojoba Paste
A fire retardant paste. Can be rubbed intoskin and clothes to make them much moredifficult to set on fire. Typically lastsfor 8 hours in good weather/conditionsbefore starting to wear off.
Heavy Manacles
A set of very sturdy manacles for the wristand ankles. They are heavy enough torestrain and slow even the strongestperson, though more might be needed forsome foes.